
curious thoughts and remembrances

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Bowm bowm bup bowm 

I really like Air. The band, not the greek element. I borrowed Nicole's stolen copy of "Moon Safari" a couple of weeks ago, and I just got around to listening to it today, on my headphones, on my way to work, on the bus, and on the sidewalk. I've heard the album before, but never had the distinct pleasure of listening to it on headphones, which is always better, except for the "booty" genre. That's always better in a club. But I digress...

I love square wave basslines with a nice lowpass filter. I like it when the instruments sound like they're talking. And I enjoy the vocoder to no end. I've never connected with anyone on that level. I know that others enjoy these things, but perhaps they don't describe them the same ways as I do, or perhaps they have just been too shy to talk to me about it. Or I too shy to speak with them of it. Maybe if/when I move to France I will meet this soulmate.

I'd love to be at a party where everyone was dancing to Air and really getting into it. That would be a hot, hot, hot night. The night would end with "Remember" and everyone would hold back the tears that come with the realization that some experiences can never be repeated. People would be making out on pillow chairs along walls being traced with spiral light patterns. Everyone would be wearing bellbottoms except for one guy in the corner. His bellbottoms are caught in the ceiling fan and he doesn't care because he doesn't speak English and no one takes him seriously in the first place. I would leave the party, walking home, watching the bright stars with shades on, feeling like a sexy boy. Oh la la...

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