
curious thoughts and remembrances

Sunday, September 21, 2003

The ramen is cooling on the counter 

Last night, went to a party at the house on Holly Street. DJ's spun blips and breakbeats. Lots of good, expensive beer including Chimay and something that was delightfully fruity, but the name I cannot remember. Saw Rhys and krew looking very stylish, fresh from a homecoming dance. Talked with Chad A. about Friendster's newly-established Club Chad (joined when I got home from the party). Tried to say "mad-whack-funky" but said "wad-mack-funky". Heard the "camel toe" song. Stuck around til 5am and got a ride home with Kurt after we finished packing up the gear. It rained all night, with a steady increase in heaviness. Luckily Andy the house-owner was ok with us leaving the PA there. I was tired. Got home, joined Club Chad, shed a tear of joy at my new-found community.

Today, made some chai, watched Nicole play Soul Caliber 2 for awhile, bought a 10-pack of emory boards and some razors. Thinking about a shower and a shave. Nelray Cafe tonight, can't wait.

Ramen Time.

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