
curious thoughts and remembrances

Friday, September 26, 2003

The hunt continues 

Back in Austin. The drive from LA was amazing. Came through Arizona, driving into the purplepinkorange sunrise, surrounded by cacti protruding through dense fog, only being able to see the car in front of me if it was about 2 car-lengths away, max. Got pummeled by downpour in East Texas, but rewarded with a huge rainbow off in the mountains. Enjoyed passing 18-wheelers at 90mph after the rain subsided, as they sprayed mist off their tires and the windshield wipers made short work of it all.

Went to Venice Beach and Santa Monica Pier on Wednesday. I am now LA to the MAX.

Glad to be back. Sad to not have a job. Thinking about becoming a part-time hermit. The pay sucks but the hours are flexible and the office has a nice full-size bed, stereo, books, laptop and MIDI keyboard, and guitars.

Remind me never to use the word "belligerent" with a female again. They don't seem to like it.

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